This memorandum serves as the Call for Nominations 60-day notice for the open position of Vice President of the Academy for Emerging Professionals (AEP). Due to a resignation, this election is to fill the remaining term of service, ending December 31, 2025. The election for this position will take place during the April 24, 2025 in person meeting. Vice President of the Academy for Emerging Professionals (AEP) Staff Liaison(s): Ashley Taylor, Program Coordinator Responsibilities: Lead the AEP Council of Advisors (AEP COA), coordinating meetings and regular conference calls Serve as the liaison to the AIA CA Executive Committee, responsible for reporting relevant issues of the Academy as well as current activities being pursued and insight into the life of today’s Emerging Professional Serve as the liaison to AIA Component Executives in California (CA CACE) and to the California Architects Board (CAB) on issues relating to Emerging Professionals in conjunction with California’s Licensing Advisors Provide oversight of the AIA CA’s annual AEP events including the AEP Summit, AEP Awards program, etc. Participate in annual review of the Strategic Plan and development of the annual Operating Plan and budget Participate in leadership development in support of any and all committees, task forces and working groups related to this program Disclaimer No member of the AIA CA Executive Committee shall engage in the endorsement, sponsorship or nomination of any candidate for this position. Important Dates Monday, February 24, 2025 – Call for Nominations Published Tuesday, March 25, 2025 – Candidate Response Forms and letters of support are due by 12:00PM PST and will be included in the meeting’s agenda packet. Thursday, April 24 2025 – Nominations from the floor accepted during the in-person AIA CA Board of Directors meeting by 2/3 vote. Nomination Submittals – General Information Nominees must be AIA California members in good standing and be able to attend all regularly scheduled Board meetings. Person submitting the nomination must be an AIA California member in good standing and submit their nomination letter, which includes a statement in support of the candidate, on their company letterhead and must be submitted via email to by 12:00pm PST on Tuesday, March 25, 2025. Nominations not received by the posted deadline must be made from the floor by 2/3 vote of the AIA CA Board of Directors on Thursday, April 24, 2025. Submission Requirements No later than Tuesday, April 8, 2025 by 12pm PST, candidates must complete the Candidate Response Form and submit, via email, to A 100-word (maximum) summary of the candidate’s background, education, professional history, and service to the professions. A 200-word (maximum) summary of the candidate’s philosophy, goals, and objectives in serving in this office. Picture (if not a current board member) Nomination Information Interested candidates for this position will be given contact information for Board members, upon request. For more information on the roles and responsibilities of the open office, please contact the AIA CA Executive Assistant, Mirna Douet, at (916) 642-1712 or
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