Looking for a little financial help for those students loans, or interested in winning an award to travel around the world? Check back here for up-to-date information on scholarships, grants, and awards available to architecture students!
Know any to add to the list? Please message info@aiage.org

National Scholarships
- AIA National Scholarships
- Accessibility Professionals Association
- Anthony K. Baker Internship
- CGTrader Scholarship
- Crafton Tull Foundation Scholarship
- Galvanize the Future Scholarship
- Gensler Scholarships
- Graham Foundation Grant
- HKS Health Fellowship
- House Method Scholarship
- Houzz Scholarships
- Industrial Fabrics Foundation Scholarship
- NAWIC – Women in Construction Scholarships
- Society of Architectural Historians
- Sweets College Scholarship
- TED Fellows Program
- Vectorworks Design Scholarship
- ZGF Scholarship