• California Housing Legislative Preview
    by AIA California on March 18, 2025 at 9:22 pm

    advocacy update //byline Scott Terrell, Director of Government Affairs March 18, 2025 As California’s 2025 legislative session gets underway, a dynamic political environment is shaping the state’s policy direction. With 30 new legislators entering office and new leadership taking the helm of key committees in both the Assembly and Senate, the state’s approach to critical issues—including housing, resilience, and the built environment—will be influenced by fresh perspectives and evolving priorities. Additionally, California’s legislative response to increasingly disastrous fires and shifting national policies will further define the landscape in which architects and designers operate. At AIA California (AIA CA), we recognize the profound impact that new policies can have on the architectural profession and the communities we serve. Over the next several weeks, AIA CA will conduct a thorough review of nearly 100 bills relevant to our industry. This process will involve review by many different committees and knowledge communities across AIA California and a final vote from the AIA California Board on official positions. Our analysis will cover a wide range of topic areas, including, but not limited to: Accessibility, Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), CEQA Reform, Permit Streamlining, Adaptive Reuse, Alternative Project Delivery Methods, Resilience, Public Contracts, Housing, Historic Preservation, and Disaster Response. A key area of focus this session will be housing policy. As detailed in the Terner Center’s 2025 California Legislative Preview, lawmakers are considering strategies to accelerate housing production, strengthen tenant protections, and refine policies to make development more efficient. These conversations will intersect with many of the issues AIA CA is tracking, including CEQA reform, permit streamlining, and adaptive reuse. As bills progress through the legislative process, AIA CA will remain engaged, providing insights, advocacy, and expertise to help shape policies that support architects, improve the built environment, and advance California’s resilience and sustainability goals. Stay tuned for updates as we continue our legislative review and advocacy efforts throughout the session.

  • Emerging Professionals Influencing the Field and those in Mentorship Positions are Recognized with AIA CA 2025 Academy for Emerging Professionals Awards
    by AIA California on March 13, 2025 at 12:49 am

    2025 AEP Awards //for immediate release Contact: trothman@aiacalifornia.org March 12, 2025 (March 17, 2025. Sacramento, California) The American Institute of Architects California is delighted to announce the recipients of its 2025 Academy for Emerging Professionals Award recipients. Collectively, two emerging practitioners, a firm, and an AIA component, demonstrate the capacity for early career excellence, advocacy that advances emerging professionals as a whole, commitment to mentorship and support, and valuable education. The field has a unique relationship with next-generation architects. With these precepts in mind, AIA California is honored to celebrate this year’s Academy for Emerging Professionals Award recipients. In 2025, we honor the following recipients: Young Architect Award – Daniel Zweig, AIA Associate Award – Ali Rafieetari, Assoc. AIA Firm Mentorship Award – SmithGroup Chapter Award – AIA Silicon Valley //young architect award Young Architect Award Recipient: Daniel Zweig, AIA Jury Notes: Daniel Zweig’s work within his peer group is exceptional. His opportunity to work on select projects for a very well recognized firm speaks highly of his capabilities and his firm’s respect of his capacity to take on challenging work. He demonstrates an exemplary balance of in-office work effort as well as outreach to his peers and the community, exactly what this award is intended to showcase and promote. //associate award Associate Award Recipient: Ali Rafieetari, Assoc. AIA Jury Notes: Ali Rafieetari’s dedication to sustainability, equity, and the advancement of emerging professionals is exemplary. His work bridges practice and advocacy, making a significant impact on the architectural community and beyond. He has truly contributed to the emerging professionals community. He understands how to express his values and beliefs in social justice and climate action in design for the built environment. //firm mentorship award Firm Mentorship Award Recipient: SmithGroup Jury Notes: SmithGroup’s comprehensive, innovative programs support emerging professionals in meaningful ways, setting a high bar for mentorship within the industry. The jury is impressed by the scholarships that they offer, particularly for underrepresented students and young designers. Their influence on the next generation of architects is profound and they exemplify a firm that prioritizes mentorship at every level of practice. //chapter award Chapter Award Recipient: AIA Silicon Valley Jury Notes: AIA Silicon Valley has established itself as a leader in professional development for emerging architects through innovative programs and strong community engagement. It’s clear that the resources that AIA Silicon Valley provides for their emerging professionals and young architects is incredible and impressive. The chapter really prepares other early career architects and designers to contribute to bettering the built environment. About the American Institute of Architects California (AIA CA) AIA California is dedicated to serving its members, and uniting all architecture professionals in the design of a more just, equitable, and resilient future through advocacy, education, and political action. The organization represents the interests of more than 11,000 architects and allied professionals in California. Founded in 1944, the AIA CA is the largest component of the national AIA organization. For more information, visit www.aiacalifornia.org

  • Permit Streamlining
    by AIA California on March 12, 2025 at 3:05 pm

    AIA CA Working for you //byline Nicki Dennis Stephens, Hon. AIA 03.12.25 Greetings from the AIA California Office, In September 2024, AIA California was asked to provide input into the California Assembly’s Select Committee on Permitting Reform. The Committee has completed its whitepaper and while the full report is a whopping 292 pages, we’ve excerpted 16 pages here that address permitting of Housing. AIA California was both interviewed and active in the process, sharing our own priorities and perspectives, some of which made it into the final output. A few of the critical issues we advocated for: The need for clear and straightforward description of the information required for a ‘complete’ application, and the steps involved in verifying completion. There have been several laws that mandate timelines for permit processing, but with the start of the clock not in control of the applicant, they are not effective.  Elimination of uncertainty needs to be the mantra used by every jurisdiction. We stressed the need for clear and definitive timelines for all steps of the review process – from intake triage and completeness determination to the detailed technical reviews that follow.  We also stressed the importance that the reviews are conducted in parallel rather than sequentially, so that one slow step does not bog down the entire process. We advocated for a collaborative culture. Recognizing culture is very important to permitting success. Jurisdictions need to treat permit applicants as partners – and work proactively and collaborative to identify any issues and get to solutions that work for everyone.  The emphasis should be on outcomes, not the internal process and procedure. We highlighted best practices across jurisdictions, identifying how an increasing number of jurisdictions are using a ‘project manager’ approach with success, which sets up a single individual as the main point of contact.  The manager is also the person on the ‘inside’ who finds out where things might be “gummed up” and helps in getting things moving forward. In the best jurisdictions, this process is provided at low or no cost – as it saves time and money on both sides of the counter As part of our housing initiative, we are continuing to push these ideas forward with various bodies, including in communities devastated by the recent fires. Discussions about permit streamlining and reform are gaining momentum throughout the City and County of Los Angeles, We have several groups working on this with various jurisdictions – join the effort here. Our work on permit reform includes our ongoing initiatives addressing adaptive reuse, an area in which AIA California has achieved success for members and residents of the state. Most recently, we worked with members to ensure architects’ voices are heard as HCD develops recommendations to facilitate adaptive reuse and modernize California’s building standards. Advocating for housing reform/removal of barriers, amplifying the architects’ voice in conversations about these critical issues, and bringing people together to affect change – just a few ways of the many ways AIA California is working for you. Nicki  

  • From 1979 – 2024, AIA CA’s arcCA Published Innovation, Information, Scholarship
    by AIA California on March 4, 2025 at 10:50 pm

    //byline Tim Culvahouse, FAIA March 4, 2025 arcCA (Architecture California) was, from 2000 to 2012, the print journal of AIA California (then known as AIA California Council (AIACC) and, before that, as California Council AIA (CCAIA)). arcCA’s goal was to illuminate the context, broadly conceived, within which California architects practice. arcCA was the third iteration of the Council’s journal, which was first published in 1979 as Architecture California and began publishing regularly in 1981, with CCAIA’s move from San Francisco to Sacramento and the appointment of a new executive director, Paul W. Welch, Jr. For its first decade, it was an 8.5” x 11”, saddle-stitched, mostly bi-monthly production, comprising both feature articles and component news. In 1990, in the face of a significant budget cut, an editorial board composed of Barton Phelps, FAIA (Chair), Joseph Esherick, FAIA, and William Turnbull, FAIA, with Orlando Maione, AIA, Vice President of Communications, ex officio, reshaped the journal, eliminating news and advertising, which had become an economic drain, rather than a revenue source. The goal, as Phelps put it, was to “produce a meatier, better written, more informative magazine at less expense.” For this purpose, The Dunlavey Studio designed an elegantly frugal, 6” x 9”, perfect-bound format. Three architect-editors guided Architecture California through the decade of the ‘90s: Alicia Rosenthal, AIA, in its first year, followed by Lian Hurst Mann, AIA, and, beginning in 1997, W. Mike Martin, PhD, FAIA. Reflecting on this phase of the journal’s history, Martin has written, “There were 18 issues published in the 1990s. Each was based on a thematic construction, ranging from The Politics of Design Review to Places of Learning. The majority of the contributing writers were AIACC members dedicated to expressing their views on matters of importance to California architects and the profession.” Martin’s reflections appear in his outgoing editor’s introduction to the first edition of arcCA, the journal’s third manifestation, conceived under the leadership of Editorial Board Chair Carol Shen, FAIA. In his introduction, Martin writes, As the journal moves into a new era, it is important to remember some of the factors that brought it to this point. The vision of Esherick, Turnbull and Phelps gave life to the material. That vision positioned Architecture California as not just another trade magazine but a fully refereed scholarly journal. For six years, through the work of editor Lian Hurst Mann, the journal earned local and regional acclaim as well as national recognition. In her words, “Each edition of Architecture California has become a kind of chapbook of primary writings on a particular topic, with many points of view, including those that can contribute to the field for years to come.” The transformation from Architecture California to arcCA was also driven by financial pressure. To make the journal self-sustaining, there would again be advertising, but now it would be sold by AIACC’s new publishing partner, McGraw-Hill Construction. arcCA began in 2000 in a 7” x 10”, duotone, perfect-bound format, designed by Bob Aufuldish of Aufuldish + Wariner. It was edited briefly by Therese Bissell and subsequently by Tim Culvahouse, FAIA. In 2006, a change from sheet-fed to continuous roll printing allowed the format to expand to 9” x 10” and made full-color affordable. The first edition of arcCA, “Zoning Time,” 1st quarter 2000, and an example of the expanded, full-color format, “Preserving Modernism,” 3rd quarter 2006. The breadth of arcCA’s perspective can be seen, for example, in the 2nd quarter 2003 issue, “Global Practice.” Recognizing that California architects were increasingly practicing across the Pacific Rim and elsewhere around the world, the issue invited architects from thirteen nations to describe how practice is conducted in their home countries. The focus nevertheless remained on California, which wasn’t difficult, since in architecture, as in many areas, California often leads. In the 1st quarter issue of 2010, “Parametrics and IPD,” for example, arcCA explored Integrated Project Delivery, a method first defined by an AIACC working group; and parametric design, which had among its pioneers a large cohort of California-based practitioners and teachers. Of course, California has its share of problems, as well, and arcCA regularly addressed them, in issues such as “Housing Complex” (2nd quarter 2001), “H20 CA” (4th quarter 2001), and “The Future of CA” (2nd quarter 2010). The Great Recession of 2008 brought yet another financial challenge to arcCA. The construction industry was deeply affected by the downturn. According to ConstructConnect, “The number of construction firms fell by nearly 150,000 between 2007 and 2013 and over 2.3 million jobs were lost due to layoffs, early retirement, and workers leaving for greener pastures.” McGraw-Hill Construction suffered accordingly and gradually withdrew from its participation in arcCA, as well as other regional journals. It soon became clear that, without McGraw-Hill’s support, AIACC could no longer afford to publish the journal, printing its final issue, “On Good Behavior,” in early 2012. Following a period of online experimentation, publishing arcCA-like content on the AIACC website, arcCA DIGEST was launched in 2019 as a standalone, web-based journal. arcCA DIGEST was a themed compendium, comprising invited articles, articles linked from admired sources elsewhere on the Web, and selections from the arcCA print archive. arcCA DIGEST ceased publication at the close of 2024.

  • 2025 #AIAHillDay Wrap-Up
    by AIA California on March 4, 2025 at 10:15 pm

    advocacy update //byline Scott Terrell – AIA CA Director of Government Relations Tibby Rothman, Hon. AIA|LA – AIA CA Director of Communications March 4, 2025 Fire recovery was the priority discussion when AIA California leaders met with the offices of Senator Alex Padilla’s and Senator Adam Schiff’s Offices on #AIAHillDay during National’s Leadership Summit on February 26. The discussions included how architects are on the front lines of rebuild efforts, able to assist as needed, and extending the FEMA and Small Business Administration (SBA) application deadlines for victims of the recent wildfires. The current deadlines are too short, with many individuals and businesses unable to apply by the March 10, 2025 cutoff due to delays in processing, website issues, and necessary fraud investigations. AIA California members also voiced their support for Governor Newsom’s ask for $40 billion in aid to help rebuild homes, infrastructure, businesses, schools, churches and health care facilities, while supporting the needs of people affected by the devastation. An item made more urgent by the disastrous firestorms in Southern California fires was the second topic brought up in the meetings–a Resilient Design Policy. AIA’s national position is to support a resilient design policy such as the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Program, The Resilient AMERICA Act, and the SHELTER Act. With AIA members reminding Senators that natural disasters caused over $350 billion in damages in 2024. Another talking point that demonstrated how harmful these disasters are to the economy: Nearly 50% of small businesses that close after a disaster never reopen, making resilience essential for economic stability. Investing in resilience policies benefits public safety, economic stability, and long-term cost savings; architects play a key role in designing resilient communities and require adequate funding and policy support to scale impactful solutions. Housing was the third topic broached in meetings with Senate Office staff. AIA supports housing policies such as HOME, Community Development Block Grant, and Low-income Housing Tax Credits to create safe, affordable, and resilient communities. Expanding these programs is critical to ensuring adequate housing supply, housing affordability and economic stability and growth. We were encouraged to find that our state representatives are leading on these critical issues and that our priorities were closely aligned. Their commitment to disaster recovery, resilient design, and housing affordability reinforced the importance of our discussions and gave us confidence in the collaborative efforts ahead.

  • Relationships and Access are Important
    by AIA California on February 28, 2025 at 1:49 am

    AIA CA Working for you //byline Nicki Dennis Stephens, Hon. AIA 02.27.25 Greetings from the AIA California Office, I am sure you spend much of your time heading off problems with clients, contractors, or consultants. You’re constantly putting out small fires before they erupt and when you have good relationships and alignment, the process is much easier. Well, for AIA California, our work is much the same. Lots of what we do is heading threats off before they become a bill or working with regulators about the process for the design and delivery of projects to make sure they understand how architecture may differ from other professional boards. Since this biweekly message started in 2023, I have tried to share the direct ways AIA California is helping you – from tools for your practice, ways we’re advocating for your interests, or information that impacts your bottom line. This message is a bit different as I was in Washington DC this week for the AIA Leadership Summit (visiting DC in the current political environment is a uniquely different experience, but I digress). This national AIA event brings together 600 architects and design professionals – the elected leaders and professional staff from AIA chapters from across the country. I am continuously impressed by the commitment of our volunteers to this organization and this program is one of the best opportunities to learn, share and innovate from one another. They share a common goal to expand the relevancy and impact of the architectural profession across the nation. This conference also brings together some of the collateral organizations that are part of the profession together – both NOMA and NCARB were included. I took the opportunity to meet with NCARB CEO, Michael Armstrong and his team about the new NCARB competency standards and the rumors swirling around that this may change the licensing exams. Periodically, NCARB assesses what it means to be an architect – the “competency” required in 16 areas – the knowledge, skills, and abilities that architects must demonstrate to meet professional and licensure requirements. This process is part of their diligence to ensure the examination is relevant to the profession and that “architects are prepared to practice safely, ethically, and effectively”. Key aspects of NCARB’s competency standards include: Technical Knowledge – understanding building systems, construction methods, and codes. Design Skills – ability to create functional, sustainable, and aesthetically appropriate designs. Project Management – handling contracts, budgets, and schedules. Ethics & Professionalism – upholding legal and ethical responsibilities in practice. Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW) – ensuring public safety and well-being through architectural decisions. This updated standard was established with input from thousands of architects across the nation, several NCARB Committees, and the members of NCARB (the 55 licensing jurisdictions around the US) over the last few years.  While they will undoubtedly use this information to modify the content of the exams, I was pleased to learn there is no truth to the rumor that NCARB is changing the ARE from 6 to 16 divisions or talk of the elimination of the AXP and experience. If you’ve read this far, you may be asking why I am sharing this story for NCARB and what this has to do with “heading off problems before they get big”. Whether you’re an emerging professional on the path to licensure or an experienced practitioner, supervisor or mentor, you should know that the content of the ARE will continue to evolve, but the steps toward licensure will remain predictable. Having direct access to NCARB leaders, engaging in meaningful discussions about the impact of these changes on the profession, and actively connecting with California’s members to clarify the process are all essential – and should there be a problem, these types of relationships are important as we advocate on behalf of the profession in California. This is just one more way AIA California is working for you. Nicki

  • Observations, ideas, insights, reflections from California’s leaders
    by AIA California on February 26, 2025 at 9:21 pm

    2025 AIA Leadership Summit //byline Nicki Dennis Stephens, Hon. AIA – EVP, AIA California February 26, 2025 Nearly 50 of California’s architects traveled to Washington, D.C., for a three-day program focused on leadership training, professional development, and advocacy on behalf of the profession. During the AIA Leadership Summit, they found inspiration, built valuable connections, and engaged in insightful workshops to support their personal leadership development. Individual reflections and takeaways… “Show up and make noise.” Alexander Cochran, Esq. – AIA Chief Advocacy Officer  “There’s a real power in dialogue [is] to influence culture.” Erica Obertelli, AIA – AIA Santa Barbara “The word citizen is most powerful when exercised as a verb. In doing so, we deepen relationships, understand better each other’s perspective, and ultimately we are able to work together to inspire change that benefit the sum rather than just a part.” Katee Chard, AIA – AIA San Diego (reflection from Baratunde Thurston’s keynote presentation) “Architecture is a reflection of the culture; our culture cannot lose the plurality of who we are.” Illya Azeroff, FAIA – AIA President-elect “The cost of incivility. Everyone knows that happier employees are more productive, but seeing the research support this notion was eye opening.” Anton Foss, AIA, HOK – AIA San Francisco President (from Dr. Christine Porath, a professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Kenan-Flagler Business School.) (Read more about the “cost of incivility” from the Harvard Business Review here. “Combat cruelty with care.” – Mary Margaret Zindren, CAE – AIA Minnesota “Work on what you can control and be resilient.”  Cesar Escalante, AIA – AIA San Francisco “The next generation is making us a better profession.”  Leah Bayer, AIA – Keynote Panelist and AIA Strategic Counselor “Leadership and teaching are deeply intertwined.” – Stephen Ayers, FAIA – AIA Interim EVP/CEO “Lead by listening.” – Evelyn Lee, FAIA – AIA 2025 President “Innovation funds innovation.” Ginger Thompson, AIA – AIA California President-elect “Every disruption is an opportunity.” – Illya Azaroff, FAIA – AIA President-elect “How do we predict future resiliency needs?” Sammy Shams, AIA – HKS Architects “What’s the problem that needs to be solved by this space? Not just built but felt, embodied and experienced?” Ginger Thompson, AIA – AIA CA President-elect (reflection from Baratunde Thurston’s keynote presentation) “Facing hurdles we’ve never seen before is what architects do!” Carina Mills, AIA – AIA California President

  • Angela Brooks, FAIA, Reports Back from the AIA Strategic Council
    by AIA California on February 25, 2025 at 11:21 pm

    National //byline Angela Brooks, FAIA – AIA Strategic Councilor February 25, 2025 Serving her first year in a three-year term as an AIA Strategic Councilor, Angela Brooks, FAIA, updates members on the Council’s work, and seeks member input. Background: The AIA Strategic Council is a think tank dedicated to producing forward-thinking research on behalf of the architecture profession. It anticipates future trends in architecture. It advances the profession by informing the AIA Board of Directors and other AIA bodies of important professional issues and opportunities. The work of the Council is primarily done within committees and study groups, which meet monthly, bi-weekly or weekly, depending on their work. I’m looking for your input to help inform AIA Strategic Council work: “Beyond Buildings: Visionary thinking for the future….” What will the role of the architect be in 20 years?  How can the AIA support the architects of the future?  I believe the architect’s role will be expanded as we address the world’s most pressing challenges. The 2024 Strategic Council goals include creating a bigger tent and helping society recognize the value of our work, collaborating with those who realize the power of design to solve problems…and how do we structure agreements and compensation for some of these non-traditional services? Share your ideas with me at brooks@brooksscarpa.com with the subject line ‘The Architect of the Future’.  Let’s shine a light on our impact! Below is just a sampling of an architect’s impact on society, beyond buildings, stories that can be told now: Created a movie ‘Face of a Nation: What Happened to the World’s Fair?’ showcasing the importance of design to a world-wide audience. Created non-profits to write policy, develop programs and affordable homes, a pathway for others to follow. Led planning departments that successfully reorganized and implemented actionable, funded policies for the improvement of under-resourced communities, a pathway for others to follow. Appointed to the Mayor to help execute funding for major infrastructure projects, appointed by the City Council to provide advice on new zoning tools to create more walkable neighborhoods and more affordable homes. Chosen by the City to provide professional services related to envisioning a better future with sea-level rise, culminating in a free online tool and a second book available world-wide. Chosen by the city to research, develop and present best-practices and goals for a revamped zoning code to be implemented for future increased residential density and improved built form as future transit is planned. Actionable steps issued by the Strategic Council’s Climate Responsive Design & Leadership Study Group: The future is now when it comes to facing challenges related to extreme weather conditions around the globe. ‘Climate Corner’ is a two-pager with actionable steps anyone can take today and reminders of key resources that exist to assist your efforts. The topic of this Climate Corner is: Designing for Urban Heat. Study Group Updates as of February 2025:**These updates are a current snapshot of each study group and are not all-inclusive of work done to date or work planned for the coming months**AIA of the Future is wrapping up an informal SWOT analysis and obtaining feedback from various internal AIA sources, such as volunteer leaders and CACE, as well as external sources including NOMA and ASLA. Architect of the Future is in the midst of their ‘Discover, Gather, Inspire’ phase to help them envision the profession 20 year from now. By integrating equity, wellbeing, and the business of architecture into their study group framework, they hope help AIA shape a future where architects are seen not just as designers but as key agents of societal progress. Climate Responsive Design & Leadership is collaborating with CCADE, COTE, and other KCs to identify, curate, and amplify the information that practitioners need to realize the vision of Design Excellence established by the Institute. Next steps include integrating ‘what’s on the horizon’ within this climate lens. Connected Communities is collaborating with the AIA Advocacy team and the Government Affairs Committee (GAC) to look at the impact and perspective Chief City Architects can bring to the topic of equity in housing. The group is also assessing the implications of technology on housing equity and potential collaboration opportunities with Communities by Design and AIA Trust. Digital Architecture is advancing the AI Resolution to help ensure AIA takes a leadership role in shaping AI adoption, ethics, and industry guidelines. In the coming weeks, they will explore various avenues including AI ethics, authorship, contracts, and business implications. Resilient Practice Models is exploring ‘research in practice’ and how firm culture catalyzes evolution of practice. They will be collaborating with the AIA Research department and the Digital Architecture study group as they outline their next steps. 10-year Valuation and Future Blueprint is utilizing AI to help synthesize past Council work and has reviewed both the Council bylaws and Members Voice Task Force findings. Next steps include analysis of this information and exploration of potential future improvements to the internal Council framework and final report outlines.

  • 2025 Special Election – Vice President of the Academy for Emerging Professionals (AEP)
    by AIA California on February 25, 2025 at 7:15 pm

    This memorandum serves as the Call for Nominations 60-day notice for the open position of Vice President of the Academy for Emerging Professionals (AEP).  Due to a resignation, this election is to fill the remaining term of service, ending December 31, 2025. The election for this position will take place during the April 24, 2025 in person meeting. Vice President of the Academy for Emerging Professionals (AEP) Staff Liaison(s):    Ashley Taylor, Program Coordinator Responsibilities: Lead the AEP Council of Advisors (AEP COA), coordinating meetings and regular conference calls Serve as the liaison to the AIA CA Executive Committee, responsible for reporting relevant issues of the Academy as well as current activities being pursued and insight into the life of today’s Emerging Professional Serve as the liaison to AIA Component Executives in California (CA CACE) and to the California Architects Board (CAB) on issues relating to Emerging Professionals in conjunction with California’s Licensing Advisors Provide oversight of the AIA CA’s annual AEP events including the AEP Summit, AEP Awards program, etc. Participate in annual review of the Strategic Plan and development of the annual Operating Plan and budget Participate in leadership development in support of any and all committees, task forces and working groups related to this program Disclaimer No member of the AIA CA Executive Committee shall engage in the endorsement, sponsorship or nomination of any candidate for this position. Important Dates Monday, February 24, 2025 – Call for Nominations Published Tuesday, March 25, 2025 – Candidate Response Forms and letters of support are due by 12:00PM PST and will be included in the meeting’s agenda packet. Thursday, April 24 2025 – Nominations from the floor accepted during the in-person AIA CA Board of Directors meeting by 2/3 vote. Nomination Submittals – General Information Nominees must be AIA California members in good standing and be able to attend all regularly scheduled Board meetings. Person submitting the nomination must be an AIA California member in good standing and submit their nomination letter, which includes a statement in support of the candidate, on their company letterhead and must be submitted via email to mdouet@aiacalifornia.org by 12:00pm PST on Tuesday, March 25, 2025. Nominations not received by the posted deadline must be made from the floor by 2/3 vote of the AIA CA Board of Directors on Thursday, April 24, 2025. Submission Requirements No later than Tuesday, April 8, 2025 by 12pm PST, candidates must complete the Candidate Response Form and submit, via email, to mdouet@aiacalifornia.org: A 100-word (maximum) summary of the candidate’s background, education, professional history, and service to the professions. A 200-word (maximum) summary of the candidate’s philosophy, goals, and objectives in serving in this office. Picture (if not a current board member) Nomination Information Interested candidates for this position will be given contact information for Board members, upon request.  For more information on the roles and responsibilities of the open office, please contact the AIA CA Executive Assistant, Mirna Douet, at (916) 642-1712 or MDouet@aiacalifornia.org.  

  • Governor Newsom Acts on AIA California’s Request to Streamline Rebuilding Efforts
    by Tibby Rothman on February 19, 2025 at 8:35 pm

    advocacy update //byline Scott Terrell, Director of Government Relations February 19, 2025 In response to the devastating wildfires that recently swept through Los Angeles, AIA California, alongside ACEC California and the California Geotechnical Engineering Association, submitted a formal request urging Governor Gavin Newsom to take action under Health and Safety Code Section 19851. The letter sought a waiver allowing affected property owners to access copies of their original building plans—an essential step in expediting insurance claims, reconstruction planning, and permitting processes. The letter emphasized the pressing need for homeowners to retrieve these critical documents without bureaucratic hurdles. Many wildfire victims require these plans to work with insurers, architects, and engineers to restore their homes swiftly and efficiently. Without them, homeowners could face unnecessary delays, increased costs, and prolonged displacement. Recognizing the urgency of this matter, Governor Newsom responded decisively with Executive Order N-20-25. This executive order further streamlines permitting laws and removes red tape, facilitating a faster and more efficient rebuilding process for Los Angeles communities impacted by the wildfires. The order aligns with the state’s broader commitment to supporting disaster-stricken residents by providing practical solutions that ease their path to recovery. This action underscores the importance of collaboration between state leadership and industry professionals in addressing challenges that arise from natural disasters. By ensuring that property owners can access their building plans without undue restrictions, California is taking a crucial step toward helping communities rebuild stronger and more resilient than before.

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