AIA CA Working for you //byline Nicki Dennis Stephens, Hon. AIA 03.12.25 Greetings from the AIA California Office, In September 2024, AIA California was asked to provide input into the California Assembly’s Select Committee on Permitting Reform. The Committee has completed its whitepaper and while the full report is a whopping 292 pages, we’ve excerpted 16 pages here that address permitting of Housing. AIA California was both interviewed and active in the process, sharing our own priorities and perspectives, some of which made it into the final output. A few of the critical issues we advocated for: The need for clear and straightforward description of the information required for a ‘complete’ application, and the steps involved in verifying completion. There have been several laws that mandate timelines for permit processing, but with the start of the clock not in control of the applicant, they are not effective. Elimination of uncertainty needs to be the mantra used by every jurisdiction. We stressed the need for clear and definitive timelines for all steps of the review process – from intake triage and completeness determination to the detailed technical reviews that follow. We also stressed the importance that the reviews are conducted in parallel rather than sequentially, so that one slow step does not bog down the entire process. We advocated for a collaborative culture. Recognizing culture is very important to permitting success. Jurisdictions need to treat permit applicants as partners – and work proactively and collaborative to identify any issues and get to solutions that work for everyone. The emphasis should be on outcomes, not the internal process and procedure. We highlighted best practices across jurisdictions, identifying how an increasing number of jurisdictions are using a ‘project manager’ approach with success, which sets up a single individual as the main point of contact. The manager is also the person on the ‘inside’ who finds out where things might be “gummed up” and helps in getting things moving forward. In the best jurisdictions, this process is provided at low or no cost – as it saves time and money on both sides of the counter As part of our housing initiative, we are continuing to push these ideas forward with various bodies, including in communities devastated by the recent fires. Discussions about permit streamlining and reform are gaining momentum throughout the City and County of Los Angeles, We have several groups working on this with various jurisdictions – join the effort here. Our work on permit reform includes our ongoing initiatives addressing adaptive reuse, an area in which AIA California has achieved success for members and residents of the state. Most recently, we worked with members to ensure architects’ voices are heard as HCD develops recommendations to facilitate adaptive reuse and modernize California’s building standards. Advocating for housing reform/removal of barriers, amplifying the architects’ voice in conversations about these critical issues, and bringing people together to affect change – just a few ways of the many ways AIA California is working for you. Nicki
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